The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1207 other to Sam 1 Hopson has recently run away-Hopsons Negro was taken up makeing his way to your province and is of opinion the other perished in the woods I have not heard that he has ever been found and says that Mel-laws persuaded them to run away I made every exersion to catch the vilian, but finally :failed; and the only hope I now have of detecting him, is in your concern for my interest from the merits of the case: You need have no apprehension of the ex- istance of my claim which is coroborated by the accompanied affidavit Mel-Iaws is of Moderate size with blue eyes and balld headed, And will perhaps pass through your dominions in the character of a pedler: Now sir if it be consistent with your authority to destrain his effects in order to secure me you will do me a favour never to be forgotten and I would be glad if you would write me immediately on the subject I feel the more anxiety on the occasion as this is a large amount for me, in my situation, to loose: And I do declare upon honour that I am able to establish the above accounts to all intents and purposes We have nothing of import; you have heard no doubt that the Chae- .taws will shortly posses our country and many of the inhabitants talk of moveing to your province 1 intend so soon as my business will admit paying your country a visit and if I like to locate there. JOHN H. FOWLER Stephen F Austin Gov. .l:'rov. Texes


Territory of Arkansas l County of Miller J

This day Clark Robinson being duly sworn before me John H. Fowler an acting justice of the Peace in and for Miller County, Terri- tory afsd. sayeth that Ruben McHuws purchased early in this month a quantity of Merchandeze and endorse[dJ notes to said Fowler for the same to the Amount of about two hundred and forty one dol- lars and twenty five cents which notes has every appearance of being Forged and said deponent verrilly believes that they are forged notes and it appears to be a general opinion that the notes are spurious Great exersions were made use of to get hold of McHaws who with dexterity made his escape ' CLARK ROBINSON. Sworn and subscribed before me 22nd Sept 1825 J H FOWLER JR The above affidavit taken before me would not be vnled in law but is designed to shew you that [M]y claim does exist and every neces- sary proof cun be. had to prove my statements true. JOHN F. FOWLER.

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