THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1205 for it was with great difficulty that after more than one years un- remitting exertions that I obtained the consent of the Govt to pro- gress with this Settlement. One great objection was that they con- sidered the Americans a turbulent people, difficult to govern and predisposed to resist and abuse their public officers-any commotions amongst ourselves here would have had a direct tendency to strengthen this unfavourable opinion and would oppernte against the prosperity of the settlement, and probably [would have] the effect to prevent any more grants and I knew that a·number were pending-but it has been impossible to avoid some difficulties, a few turbulent men in a Settlement can make much noise-This little affair of Kinnys 1 is not at all calculated to benefit any one, he bas behaved in a way which merits contempt and disapprobation of every good and well disposed Settler, for without any necessity of such a course he has indirectly attempted to weaken the confidence of the settlers in their titles and in me-If I do wrong his remedy is with the Govt and I alone ought to be punished but he would sacri- fice the interests of the whole Settlement to gratify a pique. I am ready to show at any time that what I have done in the affair has been correct, and that I have done injustice to no one, but I will never condescend to notice Kinny, were I to answer every hound who barks at me I should soon become a. hound myself and should deserve to be barked at I have had an unpleasant and unhappy life time of it but I look forward to better days and a better population and have the conso- lation to reflect that I have done my duty to the Settlers and to the Govt so far as my si~uation would permit and I think in the end they will all acknowledge it. [Endorsed:] rough copy of letter to B. W. Edwards 1825 ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATE The Estate of Samuel Dixon deceased To Alexander Kilpatrick Dr 1823 October To ½ of a horse held in partnership· between Dixon and Kilpatrick which Dixon converted to his own use______________________ $12. 50 To 200 lbs of Bacon with one half of which Dixon is chargeable at 25 cts per lb______ ______________________________________ 25.00 To 1 Barrell of flour one half chargeable ns aforesaid_____________ 6. 00 To 1! Bushels of salt at $3-4.50 one half chargeable ns nfd____ 2. 25 To an oven pot cups spoons and pack ropes____________________ 5. 25 ~51.00 The above named Kilpatrick with Dixon came to the San Jacinto from New Orleans in .August 1823
1 See above, September 6, 1825.
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