THF. A USTTN PAPERS. 1197 tilities to the 'limit of the establishment in my charge; to pursue them, and take satisfaction·:for any outrages they may commit. The actual situation of this Establishment is by no means well cal- culated to meet the commencement of a war, owing to the reasons already expressed in my communication of August 20 th , and Sep- tember the 8 th to the Political Chief of the Department. N everthe- less we are all ready to obey; and to attack any people considered as enemies by the government. I will lose no time in adopting such measures as our circumstances permit for either attack upon or defence against the enemy. I have, in fact, already ordered the militia to be in readiness to march at the earliest notice, and I shall not omit to report to you any new occur 7 rences. God and Liberty. STE:eHEN F. AusTIN. San Felipe de Austin, September St\ 1825.
[From Austin's Blotter, in file of August 26, 1824.] Sohre el difunto Dickenson
Quedo impuesto por el oficio de V fecha 20 de Agosto popo delo que V me dice de la muerte del vecino de Jacinto Juan Dickenson: Eduardo Dickenson hermano del difunto llego en estn. ahyer y pasa 6. Bexar 6. fin de recibir los e:fectos que pertenecia a su hermano. No hay duda que el dicho Eduardo es hermano del di:funto. Dios y Libertad- . San Felipe de Austin-8 de setiembre de 1825- EsTEVAN F AusTIN ' Sor Alcalde 1° Constitucional Juan Martin de Berimendi-
·I received, yesterday, your two communications of the 21 st and 26 th of August last; the first, instructing me to gather the largest force possible and to march immediately and chastise the Tahuacanos and Tnhuiases in their villages; the second countermanding that order in consequence of a report received by you, to the effect that the hostile Commanches were iri those villages, and might encounter us in considerable number, were .we to attack them at present. I had received a similar report from some hunters, and was also ap- prized that the Commanches, Tahuacanos, Tahuiases and Cherokees have made a treaty of peace and close alliance. I cannot say whether this last -report deserves credit, but it seems to me very probable, • Nacogdoches Archives, translation from Bexar Archives, Texas State Library. The original Is nlso in the collection, and there ls a copy in AusUn'11 Blotter, in Ille ot August 26, 1824.
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