THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1025 P, Ia de los Alcaldes sirva como de un Agente subalterno al GoV°· El 1 °· 9e el p 0 • mes entrante se presentara la Ley de Colonizacion de cste Estado, y pronto entrnremos en su discusion: actualmente estamos trabajando sobre los medios de asegurar en esta Capl. una Factoria con el objeto de hacer mas fructifera la renta del tabaco, unica con qe. el Estaclo puecle contar pa· cubrir la mayor parte de sus gastos. No hay alguna otra cosa digna de poner en su conocimiento; por lo mismo concluyo asegurandole qe. amo a V s~nceramente y que tendre mucha complacencia si me impone sus ordenes. RAF 1 RAMOS y V ALOES [Rubric]
Col S F AusTIN Sir I send you the returns of Andersons, Pettys and Tobars, Pettuses, Duty and Eaclses, Sitos of Land and De :Mosses Labor by Col Pettus :My Provisions gave out which prevented me from going any further up the River I intend going down the River as Soon as I can go to the Cane brake and back, to finish my work below, if you wish any more Land surveyed on the '\Vest side of the Rivet· Opposite the Lake than I have orders for let me know by the first opportunity. 1\!Iy hands will be a.t my House till I return from th~ Cane brake if you should write before I return; I think there will be some very good Leagues below if the[y] Can be Laid about four miles on the River as the Timber is very narrow it will not do very well to lay it off in square Leagues; John Tobar only • wanted one mile Square where he Lives if he wishes it• so after seeing the Lines I will take it off his hands and pay the charges in proportion but no more which word I sent to him; '\Vhiting wished me to let you know that he wishes to take Land below in the Bay Prairie J an 1 • 29 th 1825 RAWSON ALLEY [Rubric] Col Stepben F Austin N B the surveying of Jesse Burnams Land comes to seventy four Dollars 89½ cents R ALLEY [Rubric] I gave George Duttys return to him as he said he was going over in a few days •
Sanja Cinto January 29 th • 1825
DEAR Sm Messrs Henry and Micajah Munson living at present on this side trinity and being somewhat disappointed in their Settlement by the
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