S~n :felipe de Austin Sepl' 6: 1825
Sm As Executor of the will of David Richmond deceased I have to clemnnd once niore from you the Deed of said Richmonds land Lodged with you by Mr Byrd for the express purpose of transmit- ting the same to me which you promised him to do but which promise you never fulfilled • • When I formerly called upon you for the Deed you stated to me that you had sent the same to Col Austin and that you were totally unacquainted wit~1 the mnnner in which Judge Austin had acquired information of the same being in your hnnds-Upon a subsequent application to J ndge Austin he informed me that Y oit by letter had .informed him that Richmonels Deed was in your possession and that in consequence or such informatn he had wrote to you first- This Sir is not fair or honest deaJing Upon mature reflection and a reYiew of the whole transaction, Considering the special purpose for which this Deed was Entrusted to you-Your:brea.ch of Confidence And the falsehood above stated with which you attempted to justify your Conduct I feel myself alsolutely bound as the guardian of Richmonds property to require you now without equivocation or delay to restore or cause to be :estored to me the Deed in question-Capt Martin a Gentleman of standing and respectability will deliver this Communication to you-He is hereby fully Authorized to receive the Deed and receipt-- to you for the same Or in case of your declining to do so He is empowered to make other Arrangements which he will in such case Communicate to you- LAucE Rrcrr. KENNY [Rubric] . Jno P Coles Esqr
[September 6, 1825] I have seen a letter of yours of this date to Col Coles on the Sub- ject of Richmonds business, and at my request he has declined pay- in u any attention to it, and indeed after what I told you as regards C~es I must express some surprise at the nature of your letter. I told you that I had written to both to send me the paper in ques- tion in fact I wrote him a positive order to do so in as much as a mistake had been made in it but independent of this David Richmond as not such a man as the Law recognized as a Suitable person to be :cd as a· settler- he was a vagabond in the full extent of the
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