The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2




EsQR., OsTEN After my best wishes for you and the settling of your cuntry and in which I wish to live sum day sooner or later God only willing- I have nothing interesting to write you the Death of :Mr. Samuel Carter who died at my house not long since after a few days of sickness of the Ynllow Fevour as we though[t]-I delivered up his Vessel to the Cort of Probats by the advice [of] Nathanil Cox murchant of this place and She was sold according to sale and brough [t] the sum of $236 also his Trunk and Clothing in the year of 1812 I sold to Mr. Carter and Mr. McFurson sum dry good and ·whiskey Powder Cow and calf! large Bx sum hard ware in all the amount of $108 for which Mr. Carter Desest [deceased] Promised to pay a few days befour his death as the note is Lost or miss lade it was my wish that the Slope of Mr. Carter would continued, to go to the Brasses but was not situated to purchase hir at the tim~ of sale but wishes to incourage the settling of the Brasses and all the Cuntry- I have lived in all 12 or 13 years and [have] for sum time past wished [to go to] Taxas I also have five Slaves wich I wish Should surve mei as long as I live and git more when Able-I am doing well in this place and Can make out to pay my honest Debts but would wish to bee in Taxas and their spend the baJnnce of days- I have nothing new at present but will Conclude and remain your most obedient and Ever well wisher untill Death New Orleans Sept. 4th 1825 • JosHUA MARSH [Rubric] this was all known to Wm Fowlton [Fulton?] who lived near us at the Post of Arkansas Mr.-Charles McFurson who marid a Miss Proctor of Ilinoy I make no doubt but you knew them better than myself ~fr. McFurson is dead and insolven Debter altho a good man in my belief-and sent the Note to Thomas Levens a. Cousin of mine and hee sent it back. and inclosed and stating that nothing Could be had I also sent it to Mr, Hugh Skeel at the Post of Arkansas to try Mr. Carter nothin to be had also .Mr. Harris "\Vallnce and· nothin found and the note is lost or miss laid and the first time that Mr. Carter Came to this he come to my house and Promised that he would pay stock in the Taxes-I puit the Bill in the Parish Cort-But received nothing I also will send a Coppy and hope that the Estate of Carter will bee bound to pay the same. JOSHUA M..a.Rsu

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