THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1187 has been writing J uclge Thomas to which you aJlucle in your letter in this latter p~rt, however, I may be mistaken as I seldom see James Erwin and when I do we speak and feel somewhat different about ~Ir. Groce. I make more allowances for his misfortunes and his disposition to turn molehills into mountains that he does I have no knowledge of any other unsettled business between him and us which would require references as to what was said in .Mr. Groce's letter to which you allude and which I had answered which answer :Mr. Groce had not shown you-I vie,ved it all as intended for your eye and others and his own gratification whilst talking about it. as to either myself or family having anything to fear from any thing Mr. Groce could publish either in this country or that it is all a mis- take-we have no fears of the kind As to your expressions of per- sonal regard I assure you it is reciprocal-I view you as instrumen- tal in doing much good for yourself and friends and wish you long life and continued prosperity. . Yours very respectfully, ANDREW ERWIN. P. S. as I write a bad hand and dislike Copying I send you the above writen by my son George vVashington Erwin, from a Copy written by myself Since writing the above Doctor Felix Robertson has been appointed sole agent for the Texas association and will depart thence in October or November next PS. In addition to all I have said I wish to be remembered affec- tionately to Mr Groce and all his Children that are with him, my regard for all of them as old acquaintances is undiminished and had Mr Groce been as cautious in speaking of my means and Inten- tions to relieve him as was his duty and his Interest I do believe I should have Effected that Desirable object long since, he has Injured me without Bennifiting himself-I however am Blessed with a family who view Enemies and Misfortunes as removeable by tiine and proper Exertions where truth and Justice is right in front as the poler star. this rule we adhere to and of Course fear nothing man can do or say- my best respects to Mr Yi/estall and family and :all other acquaintances with you • AE [Addressed:] Stephen F. Austin Esqr. Care of Jacob Cable Nachi- toches Louisiana •
Incluyo a V. una Gazeta de la. Ciudad de Nachez q• tiene un aviso publico, dirigido a los voluntnrios del Exercito de Bernardo Gutierre~
1 1''rom Bexar Archives, University of Texas.
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