THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1185 to that country but the higher class of men generally prefer to go and act for themselves as the cost of the travel is no object to them and the fatigue bears no comparative weight to the certainty of Being &uited. R.R. ROYALL. [Rubric] • [Addressed:] Hon. Stephen F. Austin. Department of Texas of The United :Mexican States-
Ausgust 23. 1825.
SIR You stated to me in a note [August 17] that the Spaqiard who owed me two horses had deposited his goods in your house and they should not be allowd. to be carried away until I was paid- but that was not the contract with him and myself-for he was not to remove his goods from my house until I was paid and I was to be paid some time ago and his contract calls for two Good Young Gentle Horses under Six Years old delivered In my Yard-and I dont wish to be running all over the country to collect a debt when It calls to be paid at home and As his contract was not to remove his goods until I was paid I have let him carry off all but one bail of Irish linen containing 22 pieces-which can be easily pack:4 on A horse when he pays me the two he owes me-and all I want is my contract Col S F Austin J. B. BAILEY
Nashville August 29. 1825
DEAR Srn Strange as it may appear it is true that I have never until two days ago seen your lengthy epistle to me on various subjects of 18 th February last this is owing I presume to my absence from this State in Georgia and South Carolina from November until April last and my attention to my election for congress from that time until the 5 th inst. in which I was again 2d on the list having 3 others to console with me in disappointment since when I visited this place £or the first time since November last and here find your letter previous to seeing of which however I have seen our old fellow sufferer Gen 1 Leftwich and his grant and several meetings of the Texas association. They • Compare J. Erwin to Austin, Scpt~mlJer ao, 182:>.
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