THE A US TIN PAPERS 1183 obligado tomar el Censo de nuevo y por esta .razon no es posible mandarlo por esta ocasion-Lo acabare tan pronto que sea posible-- Dios y Libertad- . . , San Felipe de Austin 20 de Agosto de 1825- Sor Gefe del Departamento de Texas-
United States of America· Town of Tuscumbia. State of Alabama.
Auat 23 rd 1825 b
HoN. Sm
After a slow and tedious travel of two months r' arrived at home on the 19 th July haveing been unwell on the Road my Return and report of the country caused considernble excitement for emigration which has renewed vigourously since the arrival of Majr Morgan A Heard who passed lately and remained about a week with me and in the neighbourhood many gentlemen. possessing Large Estates and of high character speak with much interest of Texas, and sev- eral have determined to visit your Colony before spring I think probably the Hon. R. Ellis, and my Father-in-Law- will be of the latte1· number a letter from you to me (as frequent inquiries are made of me about the country) relative to a few partit:ulars that make the most important objections•to the country ·with the public, would I have no doubt tend much to their removal as many of them exist only in name and others arise from false Rumour-It is the natural disposition of human nature to strive to appear wise and when persons return from a distant country have seen a little and acquired but an imperfect knowledge of the country, as there is no person commonly to contradict; they undertake to explain every enquiry that is made of them which lead to many errors and false rumours relative to the country; as I passed through Arkansas I saw the report of a travellor through Texas (published in a Paper printed at Little .Rock) which stated that .the Colorado had overflowed its Banks totally this last spring and the corn on that River being all lost and game very scarce the settlers must leave the.·country or continue as formerly to resort to the disagreeable ·necessity of living on the flesh of wild horses. The most Interesting subjects to the people here appear to be that of Slavery and Religion the latter being a constitutional matter I have no expectation of as early a change But would like to know what is the present state or prospect relative to the admission of slavery and If any law has been passed on the subject would thank you to favor me with an extract and :for·mv~elf I would be glad to hear if. the fall season J_ias been healthy, ha~ the 25067°-24-vot. 2, I'T 2--12
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