THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1169 generally been light. no deatlzs of consequence-and feel confident from my observations so far--that it will not be very fatal- Brother is well-and has written to you and Mr. P. about one :Month since very lengthly- I am truly happy to hear my Dr Sister has an affectionate partner and hope the ballance of her life will not be checkered with so many vicissitudes as the last few -years-- Give my respects to Brother James and also to Mr Sam 1• Perry and Lady also to Mr. and Mrs. John P- tell Mrs. John P. that I have not been able to procure the Seeds I promised- owing to my absence however next season I will attend to my promise Kiss the children for me and Stephen- tell Joel and Austin to study hard- JAs EB AusTIN AUSTIN TO J. B. BAILEY The spaniard Escovedo who says he owes you two horses has stored up his things at my house, and in order tha.t you may have no fears that he will leave here without paying you for the horses he has requested me to say to you that if you will send me his obligation he will pay it before his goods are taken away, and I will not allow him to move them untill it is paid-· he has sent for the balance of his things Augt- 17. 1825 S F .A.usTIN Mr J. B. BAILY SAUCEDO TO AUSTIN ~l Sor. Gov°r de este Estado con fha. 29 de Julio p. 1>4° me dice lo q. copio. "(Juedo impuesto pr. el oficio deV. de 9. del presente de haber remitido el Ciudadano Estevan Austin con su hermano Santiago los un mil pesos q. le previne por·mi orden de 18. de Mayo ultimo para sueldos y gastos de V. S. y de su secretaria, cuya suma con- sidero q. ya estara en poder del Depositario nombrado para este efecto; y por cuanto al costo q. ha causado la conduccion de dho. dinero [12 reales a day], espero q. V. S. adbierta al ciudadano re- mitente q. para otra ocasion ajuste su precio por premio mas moderado en beneficio del Erario del Est.ado q. es quien sufre estos gastos, pasandose endata el q. por a.horn se ha causado sin q. sirva de ejemplar." 1 -Yo traslado a V. pa los efectos· a q. es-consiguiente. Dios y libertad. Bejar 18. de Agto. de 1825. JosE ANT° SAUCEDO [Rubric] Sor. Tente Cor' D. Estevan Austin
1 See Auatln'a reply, September 8, 1826.
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