AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION• • quainted with Mr. Gillespie .for ten or twelve years past, He is gentlemen of excellent sense and strict integrity, and in evry respect will be a most useful and valuable member of our Country; I rec- ommend him to your polite Attention and trust you will afford him every information respecting the character of the Country, its Constitution and Laws. I know, of no man who can be more extensively useful in Texas than he could be therefore you must fit him with a league crf land rich in soil well timbered, with a stream on which, all kind of water works, may be erected. I have progressed this far on my way to Kentucky, after I left you I purchased a good many mules on the edge·of Louisiana; and have been detained in selling them out, I shall certainly be with you by the last of Oc- tober, present my respects to :Mrs Gross Mrs Long and your brother MORGAN A HEARD Lt. Col 0 • Stephen F Austin
Neich Texas August, 16. 1825
Col 0 STEPHEN F. AUSTIN DR. Sm: Permit me to ask the favor of you if Consistant with the nature of your Business to hoald in reserve for my Brother and my Self that League of Land made Choice of on the St. Bernardo by Mr. James Brown from Alexandria the Mr. Cumins hoalds Prara Lands Immediately opposite As I have only obtained the one half of what I am Intitled to you will do me a particular favor if it is not already marked out for Some other person to place my name on the map so as to cover it the payment of which we calculate on makeing from the soil in Cotton the Insuing season ' ALEXn CALVITT [Rubric] Col 0 S. F. Austin N. B. please to inform me if I am successfull or not
[From Austin's Blotter, jn file on August 26, 1824.] La absoluta necesidad para que en este establecimiento habra un modo fixo, regular y seguro para executar las actas de venta y cuidar los archivos de ellos me hace presentar a la consideracion de V. S. las ideas siQ"Uientes-1° Que en este establecimiento habra un Escribano Publico~ (con un sello de oficio) para atestiguar todas las actas de venta que pasan de un Yndividuo· a otro y registra:las en un libro, como tambien los testamentos y otros documentos de 1gual naturalezn.,
1 Austin suggested such an officer to Bastrop February 3, 1824.
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