Mr John Demiss also requests one if there are two yet vacant entered for him. I have made choice ·of the seventh Labour, on the west side of the river. N. B. those Leagues lies near the head of the Bay Prairie THOMAS GRAY
Al recivirme del Govierno de esta Capital como Alcalde 1°. y Gefe Civil Accidental en su Distrito, encuentro que el Comisionado qe. fue a esa Villa Baron de Bastrop entreg6 a los fondos de esta Provincia mil pesos que dieron los Ciudadanos del mando de V. en avono de posesiones que les hizo diciendo de palabra aun queda- ban onze mil p 11 • qe. reca~dar en dos plazas, y como de estos no entreg6 Documento justificado (de que ya le escrivo a dho Sor Baron.) espero me diga V. algo sobre la materia que tanto interesa al mejor orden y desempefio de mi deber e ygualmto el estado de la oferta de granos que hicieron los Ciudadanos de esa Villa para Diputado y otros gastos. Dios y Libertad-Bexar y Enero 19 de 1825 JUAN MARTIN DE BEREl\IENDI [Rubric] Sor. Tente. Coronel Dn. Estevan Austin
Fort Settlement Jan" 22 4 1825,
Col. S. F. AUSTIN Sm We are informed by Capt. Chreesman that the Quarter of a league of land we are to receive in right of the late Capt. Singer has been laid off in the rear of a Quarter belonging to l\fr. Nelson- From our intimacy with Capt. Singer we know it was not his wish to have in that way and·we assure you it is entirely contrary to ours-We state this to you thinking it must have been represented that we prefered it in the way it is now surveyed and request that you will permit it to be run through from the river to the prairie in the same manner that all the other Quarters have been- . KNIGHT AND WHITE P. S. Mr. White will leave here next week for New Orleans and will take charge of any thing you may wish to send with pleasure- one of us will be up in a day Kand W
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