J,urEs GAINES To AusTI~ 1 Department of Texas Sabine Aug 13. 1825
Col. STI~YEN F. AusTIN DR. Sm your fovr by Mr. G D Collier came to hand but not by him, when he arive at the naches he found Robt Collier were in the pursuit of him and offered a Reward of a negro for his scalp [He had ?] sent an Indian and a set of cut throats, on the Lower Rout after him, he then Turnd his course up through the Cherokees and passd above and fell in at cantoonment Jessup it is said he applied to Col. Maurice ( ?) for protection ancl it was Refusd he passd on safe but Did not apply here for the ballance Robt Collier has threatened my Life bccai1se I Did not Let him know G D Collier was Going to the Brassos for them negroes. and has Ever since He has (?) OQuin which you ordered from the Brassos and a number Like him about him to stand against the authority, on the 11 th of Inst. I calld a meeting of the people to Establish ways and means for keeping peace, they met nearly unanimously, which amounted to upwards of 40 and formd and assignd the following Resolutions . first to support the Federal and State Constitutions secondly to obey the Laws of General Government as well as that of the State and aid the mexican authorities to Enforce the same . . thirdly [Not to] suffer to Reside nor harbour or be harboured in said District Criminals Vagrants Rogues or Disorderly Characters under the penalty of forfeiting all Right of Ever becoming a Mexican Citizen I then organized them into a Company of militia Elected militia officers to Enforce the same .. while we were ingaged in this George W Collier had come out of curiosity to se our force • . Capt 0 A. B. Gill arive here from Rapide and made oath that J umes Collier and George Colliers (Brothers of R. Collier had had in their possession three negro men which had been stolen from him, G ,v Collier was immediately .Taken and confessed Voltm- tarily that they had them at yocanis Enst [of] the Sabine and that they should be given up as well as others from Rapide (in my absence those negroes were harbourd at R Colliers by James and G. \iV. Collier) , > . they Left here with Collier ·under a strong Guard for yoca.nis in pursuit of the negroes,
• On the subject o( this letter a,ee Johnson to Bastrop, May 9. 1825.
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