the Deed is out there will not be the necessary improvement made to hold it I have thought proper to apprise you that I am willing to take that place You will inform me by Mr. Jamison. If you do not grant me this I Have improved the seventh league in Bay Prarara and shall rely upon the faith of the G()vernment to attain it. . P. POWELL [Addressed:] Colo S. F. Austin San Fi.lipe de Austin
. Colorado 10 th August 1825
CoL 0 AUSTIN 0 my friend if the espression may be applyed; There is an affair existing between J . . Cummings and myself: which I wish and must have settled, My hart Cannot sustain the burthen which it now has to support: As I told you a few days ago never can I brook to impositions from any man much less from a man of Cum- ming's standing; Never the less I will condecend to meet him at any hour on or before the setting of the present sun that my hart may bleed out its vengeance and be releaved of that torment with which I am so deeply oppressed- ! would have suggested the affair yesterday but I was not dis- posed to bring about any confusion while you were executing the functions of your office ,vhenever I leave this world I -wish to be buryed under my own soil I therefore wish to purchase or make arrangements for one thousand acres of Land Yours with the highest ~steem and respect AYLETI' C BUCKNER A usTrN TO SA uc1mo 1 Quedo enterado por el O.6.cio de V. S. fha 28 de Julio p 0 p 0 de la determinacion del Supremo Gobn° relativo 6. la exportacion de productos por los habitantes de esta Colonia. lo q he comunicado a ellos. Dios y Libertad San Felipe de Austin 11 de Agosto de 1825 ESTEVAN F. Aus'l.'IN [Rubric] [Addressed:] Al Sor Gefe del Departmento de Texas Ciudadano ,Jose Antonio Saucedo
• Bexar Archives, University ot Texu.
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