The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 1021 tion of the Mexican Republick is becoming every day more and more an object of interest with this portion of the United States- There is not a day passes that I am not callcl on to give (the super- ficial) information that I am in possession of as regards your coun- try: and have to regret that I am not able to satisfy the eager, yet not idle curiosity of my friends-If slavery is tolerated by the new constitution I could wish, for the benefit of your self, and others that you would petition the government for extension of territory, and colonial location, so as to comprise the Trinity and its waters: Three Hundred familys more can be settled in less than two years-- A very considerable number of Gentlemen of fortune will visit the colony this Spring, from this section of Country-with a view of becoming citizens-I will inform you further on the subject in due time- The death of my Father in Law during my absence has derange my calculations· in some degree, as it may cause some delay in th moving of my family but it is more than probable that the whole family of Col Kirby will move when I doo-Please give my best respect to Capt Austin and Mr Williams. Tell the latter that I am anxious to hear from him, and likewise to receive a map of the colony, which he promised- Be so good as to designate the bounds of my Labours an the Deed so soon as surveyed, and send me a coppy JAMES A E PHELPS


Colorado J an 7 17, 1825 Sm We have examined the Labours on this river and situated 5 th 6th 9 th on the west and the 5 th on the East sides of the river-Our horses being much worn puts it out of our power to return by your office to make entries in person but hope that you will reserve the land for us .A.H. PHILIPS Stephen ·F. Austin Esq


Colorado January 19 th 1825

Col 0 S. F. AUSTIN Sir I have made choice of the seventh Eighth and 12 th Leagues if either of these Leagues are vacant please to enter one for me.

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