The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2




.Reynosa 24 th July 1825-

Coln 1• STEPHEN F. AusTIN, Dear Sir

I have been much longer detained in this Country than I had any Idea of when I started from your settlement, It was Six 1Veeks, before we reached Refugio, and have been longer in Settling my business than I had any Idea of. I ·then went up the Country and bought Some "\¥ ool to bring on to the Settlement but by high waters and loosing Mules and Horses, it is only the other clay I was able to get my Cargos and Mules Collected in Camargo to start, but am again prevented by high waters all the ViT ater Courses are up so that mules with Cargo cannot proceed and I am uncertain when I will be able to travel with my cargo there has been a great deal of Rain in this Country the Rio Grande is very high and likewise the Nueces; and as I am unable to proceed, I have concluded to go down to Refugio and purchase a few goods, to see if I can make up my lost time; I shall be with you as soon as it is practicable; as I have since I first saw the Country been determined to become a Settler; and have refused some good offers to make money, in consequence of making all my arrangements to go and settle with you; I hope Captn Jones has attended to my business and that all things are well my absence from the Colonies has not been my fault; which I know you are sensible of- If Captn Jones has not been able to pay you the balance; I will settle with you to your satisfaction. • ' . JAMES GRANT.


Bejar 24 de Julio de 1825.




Muy Sor mio de mi aprecio, y consideracion: Me aproYecho del • regreso del Sor su Hermano de V. Ciudadano Santiago, lo primero para ofrecerme a V. deseoso de complacerle, y lo segundo con objeto de s.uplicarle que a lo mas pronto posible se sirva V. facilitar el envw de los Botes de desembarco, y de remo, y bela qne admitan diez hombres cada uno a bordo, y que puedan reconocer comodamente y sin riesgo la costa desde las Lagunas de la Baca, en el concepto dE'! que su entrega devera verificnrse en 'Matagorda al Comandte de un pequefio Destacamt 0 que esta situado a .la vista de aquel Puerto, donde se ;ve enarbolada la Bandera trigarante de esta Republica, y en el de que su importe ~o satisfase en Septiembre u Octubre de] presente afio en que clevo pasar por esa villa.

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