my name, than any thing else. I have ginin him no employ'ment as yet, and am so much displeased-I do not know whither I will or not, the doctor appears to be very desirous to get in some bU:siness--- to make money to pay you and myself, it is a duty I owe my feel- ings to notify you of this immediately- I have no credit in Orleans, for I sent my son there to purchase ·a few articles-· he got a letter from Mr. James Brown of Alexandria,·and had the goods charged to him-and I have to pay Brown; vVhy. did I do this 1 because Keep-as I heard, had made way with .my money-and could not get the articles I wrote for but in Orleans he informed my son he could get such and such articles-' And then applied to my son, to go his security-and he could get what he pleased· it made my son very angry for if I wanted a credit I did not want any assistance with his credit for the last time I saw Keep, untill now, he affirmed if I would send in my son-he would raise my money at Alexandria-and go in company with my son to New Orleans, and purchase the articles I w·anted, and then he, Keep, would come round by water with them, and my son by land-and bring my money: that is, the overplus-that Keep had after buying the goods, he advanced my son ten Dollars out of thousands that I 1 1ad placed in his hands-and said that was half what he had. • JARED E. GROCE [Addressed:] :Messrs. Hyde and Merit.-New O,rleans .
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Bexar .19 de Julio de 1825. ,
Sr. Don EsTAVAN AuSTIN Mr ESTIMAD0 AMIGO Y DUENO: Impuesto de -quanto V. me dice en su Apreciable de 22 de Junio proximo·pasado relative a la conducta de Nixson y movimientos que caus6 con su depravado infl.uxo en algs incautos habitantes de esa Colonia, estoi dispuesto ha hacerle Ios corresptea cargos siempre que se presente en esta Cindacl y por si acaso no Io berificare y pretendiere presentarle verbalmte. o por escrito ante el Sr. Governador del Estado, diriji la citacla Carta.de V. al Sr. Baron para que impuesto del caracter de aquel sujeto conteste a sus falsas calumnias acerca de los complices en .este .Asunto ya le dije a V. en Carta particular lo que .convenia: y..Ahor~ le repito Io mismo de Oficio en vista de lo que .V .. me dice en los suyo~ de 6 y 15. de J unio anterior. Tambien le digo a V. de oficio el recibo del Dinero que. por. dis- posicion del Sr. Gohr· co?dujo, su .herma.no Dn~ _Santiago ,y :_ahora vamos a otra cosa, el amigo.,Dn. Juan Ant 0 Padilla. Secreta.r10 d~l
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