The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1149 Mr Lewis will pay the one half.of' the above to-Jose Antonio Sau- cedo in Bexar arid the other half to the·Baron de Bastrop in Saltillo-- Saucedo may be paid in good&'--the Baron mt.1st be paid Cash • San Felipe de Austin July· 1($. 1'825 • • STEPHEN F AUSTIN [On back] Rec 4 of Robert Lewis One Hundred_and ·twenty_six Dollars and [53-1] cts the_amount of my proportion ·of__the within Acct. this 22d August 1825-·' • • • • • Recibi del Sor Roberto Lewis· los ciento .veinte y ~eis pesos sin- cuenta y tres y meclio suelclos que me entrego por cuenta clel Coro1iel Esteban Austin. Bejar 23 de Sepe. de 1825. JosE ANT 0 • SAUCEDO [Rubric] Son 126 ps. 53½ sueldos ••

i : ,DEPOSITION : (Copy);' ••

Mr. Jared E. Groc·e having called on me to state what passed be- tween him and Doctor Imla Keep at the time-the-Goods were landed which were brought on from Orleans by ·said Keep·I have to State that a difficulty arose between Keep and the owner of the vessel in which they were brought as to. the :freight, and Groce repeatedly stated that he had plac'cl Money in Keeps-hands to purchase sundry articles for him in New Orleans;· and that he -should -hold Keep re-· sponsible for the manner in which-that money was expended-that he had nothing to do with the.Goods until he recd. them of Keep and would then credit him for this amount on the Sums due by Keep to him. Groce~ on account of Monies placed in Keep's hands. Texas July 18, 1825 S. F. AusTIN [Rubric] .. SAUCEDO TO .AUSTIN. Su Ermano de V. D. Santiago Austin me entreg6 los mil pesos q. V. me remitio en virtud de la orn. q. para este fin tubo del Exmo. Sor. Gobernador del Estado. :-De· ellos le otorgue el correspondiente recibo a continuacion•del Duplicado q. V. le hiso firmar; con el cual· queclara V. satisfecho de.·haberme· entregaclo nquelln cn.ntidad, y el descargado de su responsabilidad. Asi mismo queda satisfech'o de veinte y mi pesos por catorce Dias q. calcul6 de marcha enbenir y regresa:1· htn. esa Villa segun lo con- tratado con V. y como de toclo di cucnta ,nl·-ExmO"., Sor. Gob 00 r, del Estado debemos quedar sugetos alo q. sobre este punto dispusiese;

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