creeks, that is a choice that I made more than one month ago, run- ning it so as to take in the forks and the head of tide if it would do both, I have not yet got any land on tide water and do not think that l\fr. Buckner has done quite right in taking that advantage of me, however, I shall leave it to you to make it right.- I have heard of Mr. Tong at Esqr· Bells but have not yet seen him. I have no more at present, but remain with due respect your friend n.nd humble
Col. S. F. Austin,
Pinckneyville l\fi. Jan 16 th 1825
Agreeable to mutual promise I have the pleasure of now address- ing you by mail, and of informing you that after a journey of 18 days from St Felipe De Austin I arrived safe home: with the ex- • ception of some bad weather, and some high water, a pleasant jour- '. ney.· The emigrating, or Texas fever prevails to an extent that your · wishes would no more than anticipate-It has ·pervaded all classes . of the citizens of this state and the adjoining; from the men with ' capital, to the man that wishes to acquire a liveing-Nothing ap- : pears at present, to prevent a portion of our wealthy planters from : emigrating immediately to the province of Texas but the uncer-: tainty now prevailing with regard to the subject of slavery-There has been a parragraph that has gone the round of Nuse paper publi- cation in the :Middle States, perporting to be an extract from a Mexican paper; which precludes the introduction of negro property into the Mexican Republick, without exception: Subjecting the per- sons so offending to the severest ·penalties, and also an immediate emancipation of thos slaves now belonging to the citizens of the province of Texas; and fredom to the slave that touclies the soil of .Mexico- .If this be a fact it will check the tide of emigrating spirits at once: and indeed it has had its influence already-I have pledged myself to my friends to ascertain the fact if possible; and I know of no other way to satisfy the publick mind on the subject, but by appl_ication to yourself for a cupy of the new cons.titution, and a promulgation of the same so soon as practicable-I have ventured to contradict so much of the report and publication as relates to your _colony, upon the a~thority of your self, so far, as garranteeing the right ·of that species of property under consideration-That por-
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