The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



PHILIP Dnni:rr·r TO AusTIN

Sent Antonia-6 July 1825

Col AusTIN SIR I am sorry to address you on a subject so degrading and below the Honourable feelings of a gent 1• but so unfortunate have I bin as to fall under a Report-of Dishonourable ueput feeling fulley satis- fid that I am able to .vindicate .and satisfy you and all my friends on that point which shall not leave a stain on my reputation in the minds of my friends and acquaintances • Sir I have Inclosed to you a few certificates which you will be so good to examine and I hope ·thay will satisfy you, and show to you the malevolence of Men, It appears to me that m_en are com- posed of malignancy and malice for at the time I was-arrested; The Alcalde in Person went to avery family of Respectability in ·this Place to inform the Inhabitants for what I was arrested and the cause, and not for aney acqusition or suspicion in aney manner what- ever of being Interested with Valentine 1 etc Sir I am not able to say aney thing more on:this subject that could satisfy my mind so much as to now who those persons are one that spook of me, let them Gent 1 be who thay may, If thay say any thing Derogatory to my reputation thay are Liers and Rogues, and I hold my self responsible for aney assertion that I should insert in this letter Sir I am well aware of your not wishing me evil ( 1) If any News that has falling into your possession Discratible to my conac- tion or standing in Society you will confer on me the Favor of in- form me How and in what manner you r·ecd it, and I will give you such Authenticated Documents as I hope will satisfy your mind and all my friends and acquaintances Sir I was in hopes some clay or other of finding myself a citizen of your coloney, but very possible for some informous reports which was afloat against me may have lost me my land Sir I am not Like maney If you are not willing to confer on me Citizen ship in your coloney, or you have disposed of my intended land-that is neve[r] to make a coolness between me and yourself I ~vas informed l;>y the Baron and John Austin you had asign me a League of land on the Brassos but time has. bfought about_other appearances ,and Things unforseen, _I remain at your command etc. etc. You will write me and give me your opinion of those certificates etc etc and ·a short description of your coloney and the Inhabi~a.nts and thare Progress. Your Bror. Has all the News- P .. DIM:U:l'IT

• Andrew Valentine, horse thlet. See Bernmcntll to Austin, I•'el>runry 15, 1825.

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