JAcon BE'J,"l'S ·ro AusTIN
June the 27 1825 •
Col STEVEN F AUSTIN Sir I Rote you a few Lines some day after I saw you-.perhaps at time when not calculated to compose any thing it, may IJe. possible you are Right in your statement to me and me wrong if so ·I hope I shall discuver it I shall not Return as soon as I expected }Vhen I Rot to you though I shall not be gon Long if you think proper to Let me .have the half Leag of Land and no more you. will ·pleas arange the metter for me and when I Return I shall encleavor to settle with you you stated to me perhaps you could be _of servis to me in securing other Land I suspect you •.can· if . you are dispose to do me the favour and I am convinst of my error you will find [me] submisive as fair as is Reasonable if you Let me have the Land I shall depend on you to arang the matter for me
•Dear Sir: As you are about to visit the Colony of Colonel Austin; I shall take it a particular favor if you will make enquiries respect- h1g the prospects of establishing a printing Press in that place. Should Col. Austin be of opinion that a well conducted Journal would aid his views and assist in peopling that interesting section of country I can remove with an entire new establishment, which I lately selected in Cincinnati; and is at present here-The origin~! . cost, with paper sufficient for one year, and all expences of trans- portation from this to Texas, will cost not quite $1000, or at most would not exceed it. .. , · · ,,. ·, ·, , ·, A paper established there at this period would more materially aid the improvement of that country than.any thing I know of.-Various and erroneous opinions have gone abroad in Ohio·and Kentucky, re- specting the soil, climate, products, etc. and if a.· paper was printed there it .would .receive a wide· circulation in the United State·s- J n Ohio, several families would have moved over but for fear of the truth of what they had heard against the ~ountry-I endeaYored to do away with those impression~ and promised tc> write to them-they are pe1·sons of easy circumstances, and respectable ·ciiaracter, yo1i can
acquaint Col. Austin with my situation, etc;, etc.- , Request him to write to me on' the ·subject-:· ,
R. c. ' LANGDON. 'I
Natches, June 28; 1825.
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