The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN·-PAPERS.· 114t cow and calfe at 1'-fr. Parkers you will ,also receive let me have specie-for paper will not answer where I am going I send-you back A ten ·Dollar note in paying.Mr. Beard deduct $20 for what I owe you My" hands trembles-so I canot write more DAVID W. PmcE [Rubric] [Addressed:] Colnel Stepl1en·F .A~stin St .philipa de Austin


Natchez. J line 26 th • 1825

DEAR CoL 0 At the request of Mr Richard C Langdon I address a few ·lines to you to know your opinion: on. the policy and propriety of establish- ing a Printing office at St. Felipe. De Austin~. Mr. Langdon-has for many years followed printing, as a profession and is well qualified to take charge ·of a press. on the receipt of this I beg you~will address him fully on the subject at this place. • • . • . . Mr Francis Keller of "\\ 7 ilkerson County o"f this State will hand you this letter. he visits your settlement with the intention of settling if he likes the country I am Informed by ;Judge Childs he is a gentlemen of very Independent circumstances and irreproachable character. he has a large family-citizens like l)im will form a desirable acquisition to the settlement; I know it is your anxious wish to haYe men of character, and Independence in the country, and of course will give him evry aid, in making a ·purchas~ of Land,.:_! shall leave here in a few clays for Pearl river, p1;esent my respects to your brother Brown, Col 0 Gross·and family and il11·s·. Long; MoROAN A HEARD P. S. I seald this letter before delivery and broke it myself- • I •• MAH I • Major Isaac Thomas of Rapide has sent rrie a Memorandum to the following effect- • • "Mrs Mary Ha11 exchanged with Archival P-,villiams a tract "of land on the Bayou Robert of two hundred arpents, one half " of which was the property of the heirs-I have a twelve month "bond against Mrs Hall for $700.-Now if the heirs will all go "before Judge Austin and relinquish all their claim to snid two "hundred arpents·of land jn-favor:of " 7 illi'ams he,will pay my bond " and discharge Mrs Hall therefrom-one of the heirs is a minor and AUSTIN TO Mns. JoHN HALL SIR.

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