The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



• 11 day of this month between the hours of 10 o clock of the fore- noon and two o clock of the afternoon then and there to answer charges of disorderly and seditious conduct against the Authorities of the Govt and agninst the peace and tranquility of this Colony [ frrEPHEN F AUSTIN] Al\rY ,v HITE TO AUSTIN Col STEPHEN F AusTIN Sm I have been informed that Mr Isaac Hughs the survayer has returned my survey. he has not finished it he has taken in an improvement whare John Jones lives it was not done by my direction but my suninglaw told him to do so I wanted to pay Jones for his improvement and he would not sell it wishing to hold the land it is not my wish to take any persons right from them and would willingly take my land so that it would not interfer with him say lower down the riever as I am a lone Woman would you be ~ good as to inform me if I am to hold the land if not will I have to pay the survayer for what he has done before I get my right I wish my land to be survayed complete San J asinto June 7th 1825. AMY WHITE AYI,ETT C. Bucn::NER TO AusTIN Sir I appears that I am called here for undertaking one of the most just causes in my opinion imaginable that which is not only admitted of under free Governments but even under the most des- potic Governments Now sir as it respects myself I disregard rigid measures but sir you probably are not apprised of the bad effects it may have I do assure you sir it will enrage the people beyond all calculation and it will be the downfall of your-self and I believe the Colony-These are the reasons why I make the following propo- sition which is this- That the whole colony shall be called togather and if there is a majority in favor of the petition it shall go on if not it shall fall The people in every direction have herd of your irons for my imprison- ment, as it respects myself I disregard all you can do I ask no favors, but for the prosperity of the Colony is the reason why I make the above proposition It is a proposition that every man in the Colony will approve of with few exceptions , • .AYLETT C BUCKNER Mr .Austin 10th June 1825

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