for the value of the sitios of land which hnve been granted to them, and for the security and acknowledgement of the sum I give the present receipt signed with my own hand in this district of San Antonio this 16th day of September 1824 Acknowledge_d by the chief of the same Province. Signed $1000 Acknowledged Saucedo True Translation MJGUEL ARSINIEGA. AusTIN [Rubric] [Extracts from the Decree of the Emperor of :Mexico dated 18th of February 1823 and confirmed by the Sovereign constituent Con- gress nnd supreme Executive Power of the :Mexican nation on the 11th and 14th of April the same year after the dethronement of • the Emperor.] "That in conformity with the law of colonization there may be "distributed to each colonist the head of a :family one Laoou1·, or "one s-itio, according to the industry he may profess, offering to in- " crease the quantity of land for aJl those who may have a large "family, or who may deserve it by the establishment of nny new "species of industry, or the perfection of those already known, or "by other circumstances that may be useful to the Province or "Empire, understanding that to the Colonist who, besides occupy- " ing himself in farming, also dedicates himself to the raising of "stock, there may be given one sitio and one Labor in conformity "with lhe eighth article of said law.-. -. "as regards the second point Austin is authorized, accompanied "by the Governor of Texas, or a Commissioner appointed by him, to " divide, and mark out, and put each of the new Colonists in posses- " sion of the quantity of land n.bove indicated, and to issue to each "one his title in the name of the Government, for which purpose and "the others indicated in the concession,-certifiecl copies shall be "remitted to the said Governor.-.- " And finally, He is authorised to organise the Colonists in a body "of National Militia to preserve the interior ttanquility, giving " an account of all things to the Governor of Texas, and acting under "bis orders, and those of the Captain General of the Province, and "until the Government of the settlement is organised, he is also "charged with the administration of justice Settling all differences "which may arise between the inhabitants and preserving good "order and tranquility giving an account of any remarkable event "that may occur, to the Government.- Note The documents containing the authority and Power vested in me, and the instructions of the Government, are very lengthy, they
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