The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 1129 [Translation of an official letter from the most excellent deputation of Texas.1] The Baron de Bastrop commissioner of the Government of this province for the organization of your Colony and to issue the titles of possession to its inhabitants, has paid to this Provincial Deputa- tion One thousand dollars which he collected from some of those in- dividuals on account of the paymont which they must make on the lands they receive; declaring, that, two years had been granted to those inhabitants counting from the first of next December for the payment of Eleven thousand Dollars which remains due for the value of said lands, (which is the $30 each League mentioned in the fee bill,) and also for the fees belonging to him as the commissioner, the whole payable in two anual installments within the time above specified, and also for the amount of Sealed paper.-Although this arrangement is not in conformity with the orders that were com- municated by the Government to the said Commissioner; this cor- poration accepts of it under the positive requisition, that the said Commissioner [is] responsible for the collection of that sum, and when it is concluded his commission shall cease, for which reason it is indispensible that at the time of delivering the letters to those in- habitants you exact from each one of them an obligation for the sum total which they are to pay as well for the value of the lands granted them, as also for the fees of the commissioner and other expences securing them by the lands they receive for which object you will form a. Book in which the said Mortgages or obligations must be entered.- God and Liberty San fernando de Bexnr 21st [September] 1824


To D. Col. Stephen Austin. A true Translation from the original.

AusTIN [Rubric].

:Translation of the Treasurers Receipt.2] As treasurer of the Public funds of this Province I hnve received of the Baron de Bastrop Commissioner of the Government for the same Province for the organization of the Colonial establislunent undertaken by Stephen F. Austin on the Colorado and Brazos Riv- ers-One thousand dollars which he collected of the inhabitants on account of the fees they are bound to pay to the aforementioned funds

_• Orlglnnl above, Sept. 21, 1824. • Original above, Sept. 10, 1824,

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