The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



Government as the civil and Military chief of this jurisdiction I call on all the Inhnbitants and other persons within its limits, to unite in the support of the laws and protection of the constituted authorities of the Government, and I command them to hold them- selves in readiness at all times to suppress any nets of insubordina- tion, or others, tending to disturb the public peace; he1·eby forbidding all meetings unauthorized by the laws, or unsanctioned by the proper authorities, under the penalties prescribed by the laws of the state

and of the nation to which we belong. San Felipe de Austin, Jun 7 th 1825.

STEPHEN F. AusTIN [Rubric]

[Trnnslation] The supreme executive Power appointed provisionally by the Sov- ereign Mexican Congress to all who shall see these presents, I{ now Ye, That considering the great evils resulting to the people from the abuse of unpopular Meetings, "Juntos," to treat of subjects which are deemed by them of importance when each one of the con- stituted authorities has its limits, and attributions designated, and the course which they are to pursue in the different cases that may occur pointed out lVe Have Thought Proper to resolve as a general principle. l8L That all meetings, "Juntos" or unions of whatever class they may be which are not authorized by the laws are positively prohib- ited, and those who in violation of this decree, form them, altho' they may ·have been invited to attend them, whether private citizens, "paisarios" Military or Ecclesiastics shall be punished severely, and without reprieve for having committed a crime accordi.J1g to the respective laws.-.-.- 2 nd Also it is prohibited [that] the Corporations and authorities whose powers are designated by the laws shall meet in one Body to deliberate for the purpose of making representations, and to take resolutions which are without the scope of their Power.-.- 3 rd Also when in the case provided for in the last article a corpo- ration exceeds its powers, it shall be responsible agreeably t9 the established laws. 4th This Decree shall be communicated to the General Staff, and commandants, Generals and local commandants, and to the Political Chiefs for its exact and punctual comp[l]yance.- . ·Thei;efore, We command all persons to Execute and obey this De- cree in all its parts. :Mexico January lQLh 1824. Signed ALAMAN

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