go as far as I can without loss to accomodate an industrious man with a situation-I will be in Town as soon as the roads are so I can get up-we can then have a chat on the subject and no doubt make the arangement to suit all Parties-Your colony Sir, is in- creasing fast at least this bend of the Brasos. on the ~orning of the 7th Inst Mrs Andrews had Two fine Girls in the evening of the same day Mrs. Little had a stout Boy. all doing well-Mrs H Jones had a son on last day of Deer. Wm LIITLE • [Rubric] Col S. F. Austin My Father will go to Town with me to arange our land as soon as we can get up.-he has been very unwell for some time but is getting better yours-vV. L. Please to have the papers arranged so t~at may not have to stay long in Town- J. IIAMS TO AUSTIN Cedar Buyo Jan"· 15th 1825 Di:AR Srn I have seen Mr Cook and he has the variations of the compass on the same side of the need.le that I have and says.Mr Hunter is wrong. The Variation is Easterly and Consequently the North point of the needle is on the East or Right hand of the true North, and each line must be run on the left hand of that point of the needle which is foremost on the Course. Now I am ready to give .testimony and the lines will prove that l\fr Hunter has run my lines on the right hand of the Need.le and consequently they are wrong. I have also found some other Errors in the survey as himself has suspected in Closeing the lines, but I wish him not to survey it again as I believe he will still be liable to many Errors. As proper Land-marks between Neigh- bours are of great Consequence in the preservation of peace and har- mony and my future exertions will probably be on this piece of ground, I would desire that my lines be run agreeable to the Cus- tomary rul~s observed in this Province Therefore I shall proceed to survey the land my self and send you the field notes unless a line from you or some other informa- tion should spare me the trouble As the Timber on my land is extremely scarce and all too short for several of the purposes of building which I contemplate and I shall be under the necessity of Resorting to other Lands for a supply: I will therefore send you the field notes of a Labour where timber is uniformly plenty and no Claimant ne[a]r I will be ready to make payment according to Custom and hope in some way it will be granted •
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