starvntion without Bread and waiting to get our rights, I came to cultivate the Soil and the Season is fast expiring that we can be benefited by it,-this will be handed you by a coloured man which was Stkward on board of the Schooner and you can ask him about what I have ·stated. JESSE I-I. CAnTwmGHT [Rubric] P S there is one Barrel of flower on board and we intend to make use of i~ . Please to send me an answer by the first opportunity and oblige yours
June 6 th 1825
DEAR Sm Inclosed I send you nn·account of the Census of this District I have been as correct in it as circumstances would permit you will also find Inclosed the plot of James whites Tract of Land I have 11ot seen any of those Phillips's since I saw you nor neither has Keer selected any Land that I know of I have not found the young Mare that was Lost I am fearful that she is Intirely Lost Either stolen or Drownd in attempting to Recross the River I have sirched for her diligently in Every direction but cannot find her I want to ~ome down shortly JNo P. CoLES [Rubric] SAUCEDO TO AUSTIN l Por el oficio de V. £ha. ts de Mayo pp. he visto q. en cumplimiento de mi orn. de 20 de Abril destin6 .V. una partida <le hombres en per- secucion de Domingo Loz'oya, Manuel Quinto y Diego Dominguez, la cual solo consiguio•Ja aprehension clel primero y tercero, y no la clel segundo q. es el principal criminal, quedando en guarda la caballacla q. 'bajo pasaporte del Ale. 0 . 1. 0 de esta Ciudad conducfa Domingo Lozoya. No siendo justo q. V. satisfaga a los aprensores de estos Yndivi- duos y a los q..destin6 al Cuidaclo de la Caballada de Lozoya el cargo q. demanden por su trabajo, espero lo verifique de mi cuenta con al- guna moderacion, y me remita noticia circunstanciada de la cantidad q. les ha pagado por su trabajo para tratar de reponerme de ella de algun fondo, 6 sufrirla yo si no hubiere otro adbitrio, pues el Yndi- viduo q. resulta con algunos indicios ~ulpables no tiene con q. sufra- gar costos ningunos: para no aumentar estos convendri q. la caba- lladn del citado Lozoya la entregue V a su familia para q. cuide de
1 Bexar Archtvea, Unfvcrslty ot Texo.s. See Austin to Snucedo, Moy 18.
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