The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2




• Executive Department Free State of Coahuila and Texas

Herewith I remit signed by myself the articles of agreement pro- posed by Your Excellency, relative to the Colonization of three hundred families within the limits designated for this Colony al- ready established. These boundaries were designated by' His Honor, the Political Chief of Texas, when he was at this place, by-the order dated 20 th May 1824, the original of which I herewith hand to Your Excellency. His Honor the said Political Chief subsequently made an official communication to me under elate of 21 st September 1824, relative to colonizing on the River San Jacinto a copy of which I herewith remit, in order that with these documents present and keeping in view the grants made to the other Empresarios Your Ex~llency may determine· the exact boundaries :of the respective settlements, to prevent all doubts as respects the respective bound- aries. The Chocolate Creek spoken of in the order of the Political Chief is situated between the Rivers Brazos and San Jacinto. God and Liberty, San Felipe de Austin 4 th June 1825. To His Excellency Rafael Gonzalez Governor of the State of Coahuila and Texas. A. Copy, Signed, Padilla.


HarrisBurgh June ~-1825

Col STEVEN F. Aus-r1N Dear Sir I am informed that Capt Carrico has taken a part of a bail of Domestick from on board of the Schooner wrapt in his Bed 'and ·a part of it in his trunk Say about 300 yds ·also has taken the long Boat on shore and top Sail which was all under execution I am informd the guard dont know of the domestick being gone and before the trial they Sent off 5 barrels of flower and one o:f whiskey this will show to you that they are making way with their property to avoid the payment of their just debts and.I w.ish to _decide as quick as possible and if you c_onfirm the judgment I wi~h _you to ord~r the Captains to be brought forward under execution and hired ·out to pa.y the balance of the debt and _cost of them should there ,be.:~ Balance as I find that to be the law I p.nd it impossibli to, ·g'et a guard to doo their _duty as they dont [likeiJit they W?nt do as they are directed we are all kept here litt~rnlly speaking in ·a /,tate· ·of

• From Trnnslntlons of Ewpreso.rlo ~ontro._cts, 242, Gcnei-al .Lund Oillco of 'l'cxns. Tro.nslntlon of ·a copy.

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