spectations for I was very much lifted with you c1intry and had the most exspliscit confidence in your promis to me with respect to the two leages of land that I felt safe and if it had n been in my power to .have went and have chose it you would have made no objections and sir pardon me when I insist on your complying with your promis •I was on the virge of starting out with Mr L vV groce but on the recept of your letter I declined coming untill I heard from you Dea.r sir I have this day made arnngements with Mr l\forgan for the part leage provided it meets your approbation he will let me have that .place which I hope you will do me the 'favour to grant- and if you cant let me have but one leage I hope it will be that as but one lenge above town would be no enducement to moove to your country but ,if you let me have that I will moove to it this winter that is I will have a crop made on it next year and moove in the spring or fall- and sir if you do me the favour requested write '.y the first opertunity and I will come out by the last of september bri-- .. on some hands to go to worke and pay you your money for the Ian and improvement sir I hope you w:ill answer this by the [first] opertunity as I shall be very ansious to hear from you Dr Sexton wants that,leage but·Mr. Morgin has given him up the leag on the Bernard Sir this from y~rnrs with patints T1-ro 5 HooPER Colo Ostin
Having received and duly considered the articles of contract, and terms stipulated in . the foregoing official communication of his Excellency, citizen Rafael Gonzalez, Gover.nor I of the State of Coahuila and Texas, relative to the colonization of three hundred foreign f::tmilies, on the vacant land~ remaining within the bound:- aries of the Colony which I have already established in Texas-I hereby accept-and confirm them, binding myself to fulfil them in all their parts, under the penalty _of forfeiting all the rights and priv- .i]i<Yes indicated in the third section of these articles of agreement. b . In testimony whereof, I hereunto sign my name, with ·my own hand, in the town of San felipe de Austin, 4 th June, 1825. STEPHBN F. AUSTIN. To His Excellency, the. Governor of the State of Coahuila and Texas. I • i Tranelntfon from Record of Empresnrlo_Contrncts, 1825-1835. p. 46. Genern! Lnnd ·omce ot Texas. ·There ls n Bpnnieh copy in Austin's Blotter, in tile of .August 26, 1824.
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