THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 1119 additionnl Families to accompany them, I · will do so And I have very little Doubt, if once the Ice is broke there will be a. number of Families over every year. If on the receipt of Mrs. Marples Docu- ments and your Information on the subject of New settlers are satisfactory, I calculate by next spring to accompany A number of New Settlers to yr Quarter and spend afew weeks there untill they get fairly under way- I beg leave once more to call your attention to Mrs. Marples affairs as I assure yon she is Left very destitute, and is wholly de- pending on her friends-which must be very distressing to a woman, who never new before her Husband left home .what it was to want for any thing necessary to her comfort. Hoping Shortly to hear from you and by that means, be instru- mental in forwarding her agreeable News. I Remain Sir yrs. very Respectfully
New Orleans 4 June 1825
STEPHEN F. AusTrN Esqr Sir vVe beg leave to introduce to · your acquaintance Mr. Mathew Adams whom our l\,f F Maher has empowered to transact some buiseness with you and whom we ha\'e assisted in getting a vessel to convey some settlers that have been waiting for some time Here to find a Conveyance to your place. Mr Adams intends with .the assistance of his friends, to form an establishment with you, and Keep a vessel runing regularly to your town if the buiseness will Justify It. any Civilities or services rendered him will be thankfully aclrnowledged by use nnd when Ever our services here can be useful to you or friends. It will •offer us pleasure to promote y'our or their Interest. We remain· sir y'r Obt Servts • M: F: MAHER & Co · P. S. we send you by ~fr Adams the .price Current of this date and a file of News Papers--
Alexandria June the 4 th 1825
DEAR SIR I am happy to have it in my power to write to you by n snfe hand in which I aclrnowledg the rec 4 of yours informing me that I could not get but one leage of land which was very contrary to my ex- 25067°-24-voL 2, PT 2--8
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