ndmitira un profesor de idoneidad y conoc.imientos yo le solicitare por todos los medias que esten a mi alcanze pues deseo la ilustracion de mis semejantes y particularmte de la juventud qe. es la que nos ha de reemplazar. V. sabe que tengo la mejor disposicion para complacerlo, y seguro de esta y de mi ingenua amistad, espera·sus ordenes para cumplirlas su affmo Amo. qne S. 1\1. B. JuAN ANTONIO PADILLA [Rubric]
New Orleans June 4th 1825
STEPHEN F. AusTIN Esqr. Sir Being appointed Agent by the widow of the Late David J :Marple (Deceased) to settle up his concerns in your Colloney, and my Business here, not permitting my leaveing Home this season, I have appointed Mr Mathew Adams my Atty to act for :Mrs. Marple in my place, and forward by this Gentleman Mrs 1\'farples Power of Atty to me, and mine to him, together with a letter from Mrs M to yourself, and sundry letters from Mr. Cummings and Mr. Tomblison to her, relative to her late Husbands Pen;onal Ef- :ects, Mrs. Marple, as also myself, rely with Implicit confidence on 1our friendly aid and assistance in seeing that Justice is done hir and Three Orpha,n Children, in Leequidating, the Accts of her late Hus- band, with these Gentlemen-I have instructed :Mr Adams to be soly guided by your instructions in all his movements with Mr Cum- mings and Tomblisons • The ·widow is very desirous to have the Deed of the Lands Granted to her late Husband executed in doing of which her wish is to have it so that an Equal Share will be comeing to each of his three Children and that part allowed for herself separate-as her Object at present is to get more settlers on it for a term of years untill her- self and Children Can move on to it-I have promised Mrs Marple to procure a number of settlers from Urope to go on to it next seoson-V\Thich shall Be Complyed with as soon as the Deeds are Received, and I am Justa.fied in sending over for them; all of which I trust will be accomplished on the return of Mr Adams. I would also wish to have a statement from yourself, the terms on which famileys w 4 Be admitted to settle on your lands-the articles of produce that can be raised there, the Laws that you are Governed by if any Taxes are to be paid, what Mechanicks are most wanted, with any other Information you think proper to communicate as on sending for settlers for Mrs. Marples tract and the terms you admitt settlers on will Justify me in encouraging twenty or thirty
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