and wich i had no knowledge of being on board and to pay for an anveil that cost $10 or 12$ at orleans one hundred dollars Mr. Cart- wright waggon one half is been delivered with the harness the harness he keep the two wheels and side he refuses-and my vessel to be sold here [for cash ?] and since they have had hir in their [hands n She has been driven on shore and no pains taken to git her of and there beating by every bard wind up higher on the bar of red fish so called where she will never be got of when she is lost I Cheerfully submitt the Case to your Decision pray that if the vessel and goods is to be sold that she will Sold for Country pay this is a danger of the Seas and unavabl [unavoidable] occuren. BENJAMIN CARRICO
June 3-1825 Capt Ar.LIN I have this day Recd a few lines from Col 0 austin stating that the Sale is stopt and requesting me to Come over or state the case in writing or appear by agent my health is bad i am a[t] doctor hunters and have been here a week i wish that you could forward a few line to me concerning your property and the business, ~nd what you have lost at the Brasses BENJAMIN CARRICO [Rubric] if the vessel is to be sold pray that she will be sold for the produce of the country according to law and the tobacco next I do appoint you ,v B Allin as my agent to transact any bussiness of this Suite between me and the passenger[s] of the Scooner mary and this Shall Stand instead of a full Power to all intent and purposes June 3rd-1825 BENJ.unN CARRICO [Rubric] J ACKSON's ME1\roRANDUM CoNCERNING THE ScHOONER MARY Memo. from H. Jackson relative to Carrico when Nelson and Cart- wright applied for·a process J. went down to Hunters to ·see Carrico and Allen and ·try and compromise-Allen agreed that they were liable for the things lost but contended that they ought only to pay the orleans price-and finally the parties went on board the Mary to receive as much property as would secure N. and C. leaving it for future determination at what price the lost property should be rated at but when they reached the mary C. and A. told them that·if they got any thing it must be by law and refused to come to any settle-
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