The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



tant a step without consulting your happiness; The only objects dear to us on this Earth being yourself and lovely little family, rest assured whenever you nre happy we shall be perfectly so-Our Brothet· seems to think, owing to the yet infnnt state of the Settlement that it would not be altogether advisable, .for Mr. P. to remove to this country, at present-there is nothing he could do, that would be advantageous to him, for some years to come-tho I hope the coun- try will so far improve in the course [of] a very [few] years, that it will attract the attention of Mr. Perry-and be so much to his interest that he will be induced to relinquish the cold and unfriendly Climate of .Mo. for the more mild and salubrious one of Texas, where I think the mildness of the Climate tends in some degree to Soften the feelings of i1f an and render him more like a natural Being-- Indeed my dear Emily it certainly, will be "the most joyful period of ou1· lives" when we can embrace our Sister with "peace and plenty" smiling nround us after the many vicissitudes we have passed through for the last Six years-The time is not far distant, if our lives are spared, when the fond vision will be realized. I am happy to hear Cousin Adeline has changed the n:;1me of Bates for that of Lewis, and also that she has so soon commenced housekeeping, may her life be long-prosperous and happy-and nay "misfo1·tune not ma1·k her for he1· one." You will greet her tvith a kiss for me when you meet her-You were "pleased and pro- voked" at my brevity in one of my last letters, and think that I can never be at a loss for a subject when writing to my Sister-You will please to excuse that letter and I will try and be more prolix in future. I must have been in one of my Lazy Moods when I wrote-Stephen has not gone to the City of Saltillo, probably he will not go untill fall, as he is fully determined to close the affairs of the Colony before he makes his return to Govt. he can obtain the settling of 500 or 600 families more, by making application-Everything goes on finely; not withstanding the unfavorable season we have had, good crops will be made-The Priest will l>e on in a few days to organize a church and attend to our spiritual affairs-Draw no con- clusions from the date of my letter I am merely on a visit of a few days, because I pass my time so heavy at home-and also, because it is a pleasure to visit a family I esteem so highly as I do this. Present my respects to Brother James-and kiss my charming little niece, tell the Boys to study hard, and uncle will not forget any of them Brother sends his love Your Affectionate Brother JAs. E. B. AusTIN I forgot to mention in one of my former letters that Robt Andrews was dead He has been dead nearly a year (Addressed:) Mrs. Emily M. Perry Mail Potosi, Missouri.

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