P. S. LE HrcKs TO Aus1·IN
Alexandria June 2d 1825 Ln
~fr. SF AusTIN Esq Sm Having been informed that you are able to give me infor- mation concerning tJ1e intentions of your Government in respect to those who served under the independent Standard in the late revo- lution of the Mexican States and whether there has yet been any thing done in Congress concerning the grant of land to such per- Eons I have taken the liberty of addressing this letter of enquiry to you requesting that you would return me an answer by the bearer and also please to inform me what encouragement there is to a Physician in any part of your Province _ I hope you will excuse my troubling you with these enquiries when you are informed that it is my wish to receive a remuneration £or property expended for provisions and my services as a Capt. for eighteen months and that it is and long has been my intention to settle in your Province if I could obtain a grant of a tract of land sufficient for Payment of Part of my sacrifices and good encourage- ment to my profession These reasons I offer as apologies and hope you will accept them as such and deign to give me an answer by the bearer lVIr J Brown and you will greatly oblige P. S. LE HICKS [Rubric]
El Ex.mo Sor Gobor. de este Estado _con fha. 18. de :Mayo ultimo me dice lo q. copio. • "Conociendo la urgente nesecidad de asistir n V. S. con sus sueldos correspondientes desde el dia q. tom6 posecion de su Empleo, y q. del mismo rnodo se Atienda a los gastos de s(t Secretaria con esta £ha. paso orn. al Ciu<lad::mo Estevan Austin para q. delos Dineros q. hade enterar afin del presente afi.o por producto delas tierras desu Colonia, anticipc la canticlad de uu mil pesos enlo pronto, y otros mil alos tres meses para con ellos ocurrir al indicado objeto, remitien- dolos a V. S. conla oportunidad posible, y con la debida seguridad." Lo q. t.rnslado a V. para su inteligencia y fines conciguientes per- suadido de q. hara por su parte todo el esfuerzo posible pa. q tenga efecto la disposicion preinserta. Dios y Libertad. San Fernando de Bexar 2. de Junio de 1825. . Josi AN'l' 0 SAUCEDO [Rubric] , Sor D. Estevan Austin
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