The above is exclusive of surveying fees which will be paid to the surveyors at the rate of 4 Dollars pr. mile.
[May?-, 1825] 1 We whose names are subscribed in the third Colum of this book aclmowledge that on the days set down in the second Column oppo- site to our respective names ,ve received from the Emp 0 Stephen F. Austin a permission to select land in his Colony as settlers in the same by which it appears that .ns married men the Law allows one sitio and one Labor of Land and therefore in Compliance with the foregoing regulations which have been heretofore published and understood by us we do each of us separately hereby covenant and agree with said Austin to pay him Fifty dollars each in two pay- ments that is to say 20$ in 6 months from the date of the said per- misioo as set down in the 2d Column opposite to our respective names and thirty dollars in one year from the sd. date, for the true and faithful payment of which sum as above specified by each one seperately without any defalcation delay or objection whatever to said Austin or order we do each of us seperately bind ourselves our heirs or assigns, and as security for said payment we do each of us seperately hereby mortgage to said Austin or to his assigns the Land which we may each individually receive as settlers in sd Colony, In faith of which we sign this agreement and obligation in presence of the witness whose name is signed in the first column opposite our respective names, and hereby make it binding on us and our heirs it being a fair contract explained and understood by each one of us fully before signing and as such guaranteed to the scJ. Emp 0 by the 9 th article of the colonization Law of this state.
[May -, 1825.]
Dr SISTER, I have lately I recd instructions from the. Govt to attend to the Settlement of five hundred families more in this country and shall set about it immediately-this renders it impossible for me to think 1 The date supplied Is somewhat nrbltrnry. 'l'he document Is In Austin's hnnd. 'rbe statement that married men are entitled to a leagu£: and labor or land suggests thnt this tee was meant to apply to the !ew titles lacking to fill the flrRt contl'act tor 300 families, since a Jeague wns the standnrd grant In subsequent contracts. • The contract was granted Aprll 27, 1825.
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