The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE A US TIN PAPERS. 1107 much Labor o:f n Complicnted and perplexing Nature-and as his Whole time must necessarily be devoted to the service of the Colo- nists, and under heavy expences, he in justice and equity has a right to expect a proper remuneration from them and the 9 th article of the Colonisation Law gives him a legal right to exact it. his object is to receive from the settlers a small recompence in Comparison with the benefits he procures and the Labor he undergoes for them. Every settler therefore who applies for admission into my Colony will be bound to pay me Sixty dollars, if he is entitled to a League and thirty if only to a quarter of a League- Ten Dollars of which sum must be paid at the time of obtaining .the permission spoken of in the Second article, Twenty Dollars in Six months after the date of said permission, and the balance Thirty Dollars in 18 months from the date of s 4 permission.-. the payment of which must be secured by Note and lien on the Land granted. 5 th In future No respect or preference will be given to any settle:. ment improvement or selection whatever made by any person Who shall not have Previously Complied with the foregoing regulations. (excepting however those who httve at this time actually made im- provements who are allowed until the first of october to make ap- plication as required in the foregoing articles. The payments on a quarter of a League must be made as follows Ten Dollars on the receipt of the permission as aforementioned and the balance in 6 months thereafter. . 6 th Should I be absent from this place Mr Samuel M Williams is authorised to receive applications and grant permissions as pre- scribed in the first and second articles of these regulations [Recapitulation 1] on making application to the Empr___:_______________________ $10. on presentation of petition which must be within 30 days after application to the comr---------...-----.-------------------- 15. to be paid into the office at the same time____________________ 5. on receipt of title to be pd. into the of-llce______________________ 5. Stamp paper for original and copy__________________________ 2. Six months application to the Empro________________________ ·20. one year after ditto to do __________________________________ 20. 18 months after do to do _______ _:_____________________________ 25. 4 years after date of title to the Ayto-------------------------- 10. 5 years after do to do_______________________________________ 10. 6 years after do to do---------------------~----------------- 10. 132. 1 'l'hls is pl'obul>ly not a part ot the precediug document, sluce It pt·ovhJc:1 for u puy- meot or $75 to the empresarlo instead of $00. The other t~s conform, however, IUld it may have been a prcllmiuary draft by Austin tor the preceding document.

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