[~fay f-, 1s25.l Regulations to be observed by persons who wish to settle in the Colony which the Govt have authorised Stephen F Austin to estab- lish in Texas by Contract dated April [27] 1825 being the second Colony of said Austin Art 1 st Every person wishing to become a settler must immediately after his n.rrival present himself to me and signify his desire to that effect and leave with me recommendations from the Authorities of the place w_here he moved from Accrediting his Cristianity morality and good habits which will be laid before the Commr as the Law re- quires-he will also. deliver. in writing a statement of his name, whether married or single, bis family specifying their number and sexes, the place of his nativity, his age, where from last, and his occupation as prescribed in the 3 4 article of the Colonisation Law, and he will at the same time take the oath prescribed by the 3 4 article of the instructions to the Commissioner to support the federal and state Constitution and the General and State Laws of his adopted Country, his name will then be entered in the register book of the Colony and from that time and not before he will be considered an applicant, and as such entitled by Law to the priviledges granted to the Colonists-the oath must be taken before the Commissioner or in his Absence before the Alcalde. Art 2 4 after Complying with the foregoing Article and receiving a permission in Writing from the Empresario to select Land as one of the Colonists he will proceed to make his selection on unappro- priated Lands and give notice at the office of the Empresario of his selection W'ithin 30 days after the date of his permission in order that an entry may be made of the same and instructions issued to the surveyors to survey it as the Law and their instructions require the applicant will also at this time present his petition to the Commis- sioner on stamp paper in due form and in spanish. Art 3 4 On the presentation of the petition as stated in the fore- going article satisfactory arrangements must be made to the Commis- sioner for the payment of fifteen Dollars to him, and five dollars into the office to Mr Samuel M Williams and on receipt of the title five dollars more being for his services in extending and copying the title, this is exclusive of stamp paper Art 4 th The Empresario as the general Agent of the Colonists hns procured nt his own expense and Labor, the priviledge of ennabling them to obtain Complete titles to land without the delay and expense and perplexities of personal applications at the seat of Govt by each individual-he has all the Labor of the tr.anslations-the examina- tion of the surveyors returns and translating them, the receiving, registering and locating of Colonists, also heavy responsibilities and
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