Col. STEPHEN F AusTIN. I send you the returns, of the Land below Eagle Lake with the amount of the Surveying of Each League Set down on the back of the return, which I would be glad you would receive, if the locaters have property that suits you, and credit my account with the same. I was mistaken some in the Quantity of Land in the 13 th and 14lii Leagues there was no more than the common Quantity with out takeing in the Lake and a Larger portion of the prairie than usual give Andrew and Thomas Rabb their Deeds if they want them I have made an arrangement for the Surveying with them if they want to know the amount of Surveying $129 is the nmount of the 8 th and· 9 th Leagues • R, ALLEY [Rubric] January 11 th 1825
12 January 1825
JEAR Sm I left Mr Sims at the Saint Antonio Road yesterday be sends you the Notes of my Hacienda and the notes of Gates Tract the Body of my Survey is in the office and all you want is to connect the oblong or arm that includes the Mill Seat - I know nothing about old Furnash's Improvement I did not know that be had an Improve- ment of corse agreeable to your Directions Sims split the Two Leagues Between Furnash and Lynch or Byrd or who Ever it may fall to furnash is on the Lower Hall adjoining my line I dont know How to arrange it with him nor what he wants other than the arrangemt allready made I dislike the Trouble of going to see him and having the surveys all altered again However I will <loo any ways you wish in order to get it done Sims is going on Rapidly now and will be down with me when I come down which will be in a few days I must go to see furnash before I come down and make some arrangement with him Sims has taken a wife she is a very fine Looking woman and all Tolld that I know I cant get any pork for you.in this part of the Country tel Mr Stafford that I can get One Hundred Bushels of corn for him ·from the :Milicarn:i at the ten mile creek no other corn can be had in this part of the country I cannot get any pork for him and if he intends to take the corn from the 1Ylilicans be must let me know immediately CoLES [Rubric] [Addressed:] SF Austin Political chief and Judge of the ColonY San F De Austin
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