[From the Williams Papers. Rosenberg Libra~y, Galveston, Texas.]
' Mexico April 4. 1835
DR FRIEND. I drop you a line to say that I am offered a contract for twelve thousand arrobas 1 of cotton delivered at Vera Cruz, this, and next year, say half each year, at five dollars arroba- Security is offered and required for the fulfilment of the contract-money to be paid on delivery of cotton- I think it a good offer-what do you think of it- I should like to make something to refund my losses and expenses the last two years if I could do so- • I hope that I shall be able to leave the last of this month, write to me by return of post to the care, or under cover to W. W. West with whom I am living, calle Vergara No. 3, postage paid l will defer closing the cotton contract to the last so as to hear from you on the subject- Should I leave sooner than I expect Mr. West will take out your lettei;,s to me- It may be that I shall start by the middle of the month- The Govt· are very me, and to Texas, and if things are con- ducted with calmness by the legislature at Monclova, all will go right- There is no danger of a change in the system of Govt. The federation is in no danger- attend to the pretended claim for fees in my first colony- it is unjust and contrary to law, for that colony was not under the law of 1825, nor was it contracted with the State Govt- S. F. AusTIN [Rubric] [Addressed:] CoahuiJa D. Samuel M. Williams Monclova.
HENRY AUSTIN TO GAIL BORDEN, JR. [Bolivar, April 8, 1835. See Calendar.]
[Matagorda, April 9, 1835. Wishing to obtain a league of land for Davis D. Baker. Wants one that is valuable; one that could not be ob- tained except by one with influence. See Calendar.]
DOMINGO DE UcARTECHEA TO Cos [Bexar, April 14, 1835. See Calendar.]
1 An arroba is twenty-five pounds.
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