Present me kindly to Mrs. Perry and the boys Mr. Pilgrim etc. and believe me your friend etc SAMUEL M. WILLIAMS [Rubric] [Addressed:] Mr. James F. Perry Gulf Prairie
April 1. 1835 There seems to be a prospect of another civil war-:- I hope the Legis- lature will keep calm and prudent- That state can have no influence in .such a thing Let them keep peace at home and stop the disputes with Saltillo- Texas, as a matter of cpurse, will take no part, whatever, even if it should be called on by the State Govt- to do so-but I hope it will not be called on-it ought not to be- In my last I said that I was told the representation of that legislature had been favourably dispatched, and so I was, but I do not know whether ,the information was correct or not-so say nothing about it- Try and get the question finally settled about the pretended claim to fees in my first colony of 300 families that was set up- That colony was under the national law of 1823, and the Stale law of 1825 has nothing-to do with it- you can get this settled with the Govor. by a declaration that no fees are due as that colony was not subject to the law of 1825- Attend to this without fail and immediately, and all other matters of interest to me last mail I sent you an order on Dr. Grant for 200 Dolls. which he owes on a draft from Parrott, in 1833 which I sent him by John Erwin, but never recd, the money There has been no change in my situation. I ~m still on bail, and no prospect of any change soon- Keep clear of civil wars- [STEPHEN F: AUSTIN] . [To Samuel M. Williams, Monclova]
JOSHUA NELSON TO AUSTIN [Matagorda, April 2, 1835. See Calendar.] H. L. COOK TO GAIL BORDEN, JR. [Matagorda, April 2, 1835. See Calendar.] DOMINGO DE UGARTECHEA TO Cos [Bexar, April 4, 1835. See Caledar.] MARTIN PERFECTO DE Cos To UcARTECHEA [Saltillo, April 4, 1835. See Calendar.]
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