desi're affectionate remembrance to you and you have our united prayers for your liberty, health and speedy and prosperous journey home- [SAMUEL M. WILLIAMS] Rubric If you are to be detained in Mexico let us know If you should want more money.draw on McKinney and -Wms. at 60 ds sight and advise us by mail Rubric [Addressed:] Stephen F. Austin Esq Mexico
Monclova pt April 1835
Aware of the great anxiety of yourself and family respecting our friend Col Austin, I write you a few lines to inform you that I have by this mail recd. a letter from him dated Mexico 14th March, in which he says he is well that his matters have not changed any and that he is still waiting an amnesty law, and believes he shall so remain the whole of that month at least. Not hearing from him for three mails (between this and Mexico the mails are weekly) myself and Companions had flattered ourselves with the hope that he was on his road home, because he expected to be released so as to leave there about the first of March, and besides a Gentleman here received a letter dated late in February frqm Mr. Parrot in which he says "by Col Austin who will leave in a few days for Texas I will send you etc" You niay therefore judge our mortification on receiving information of his still being detained aund under that chilling expectation of tomorrow and after tomorrow. I must say that indignation was the predominant feeling with me at what I conceive a tantalising persecution- I waited upon the Govr, made known to him the situation of my friend and strongly . urged him _to represent to the Genl. Govt· in his behalf. I am happy to say he promised to do so and authorised me to say to the Col. that he would do so by the next mail. I also . expect to be able to obtain a representation from the Congress of the State on the same head. The Col. complains of old Butler being his enemy. I hope we may have the old dog in Texas some day--and give him his due reward in these matters. I have not time to give you a detail of the news. and must therefore refer you to McKinney. Chambers is here, and if I do not lay him flat upon his -back, it shall not be for the want of trial and I think I have the infidel on the hip.
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