New Orleans 28 Mar 1835.
MR. JAs F. PERRY DEAR SIR This will inform you of my being in this place in good health. I arrived here 10 days ago after a tedious trip from New Madrid on Board of Flat Boats I brought do,vn with me 3 Boats loaded with Corn in sacks and fo~tunately met with a Verry good market I had 4000 sacks containing 2 bushels each which I sold at $1.50 each the prin• cip 1 part of which I collected for goods sold. I make Clear on the 3 loads 1,350$ I leave for home tomorrow morning and expect to go on to Philad. immedeatly to lay in goods, I learned from Mr. Jack and Moor that Col. Austin had been set at liberty which I was truely pleased to hear and much hope ere this reaches you he will be with you all. Your Nephew Baldwin Capt of the Mediteranian I took supper with on Board last night he informed me your friends were generally well and that Lavinia is at the time at John Perrys. I had no news from the mines for some time be• fore I left home Lead is still high I heard from St Louis a short time before I left home, It was supposed Angeline Perry would be married in a short time to a young Lawyer fro·m Maryland Clarissa Austin was married in Deer· to Mr. Beebe Merchant in St Louis I expect from what I can learn she has done much Better than Margt· Our prediction as to Nelson I am sorry to learn has Come to pass, he I have been told is very disipated and is doing no good. I wrote you some time ago, requesting for a friend of mine in N. Madrid to know whether some claims could be col- lected of Georg Tennell a part of them is for notes sent to Texas by him . on Col Austin for Collection which I am of opinion Perry and Hunter paid him for Austin the Ballance are notes given by him, If I mistake not to Peter A Laforge, you will please write me what the prospect would be to collect them. I_ am in hope If the Col gets home you will be able to get the Ballance of the money due ine soon, also that you will be able [to] make something out of the debts due the old firm. I think it is time our friend Chrisman was paying If he has not should you have any money to remit to me send it to John Casse and Co I never got the money 100$ from ·Slocomb until about a month ago they Contended they had not Recd· it until I sent your letter to me her[e] and had it shown to them. I hope you will write me soon how you are getting on etc. as it gives me much pleasure at all times to hear from you please present my most respectful .Compliments to Mrs Perry and family tell Austin [Bryan] I have wrote two letter to him since Sept. and he must write to me. In the mean time accept for your self and family the best wishes , WM. W. HUNTER [Rubric] [Addressed:] Mr. Jas. F. Perry Brazoria Texas Care. Mesrs. Mill's
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