to himself relative to your affairs? I have just recd. an answer the Presi- dent has not had anything said to him in any way injurious to you- I believe that you may be assured that it would be felt lzere if any gross injustice should be done you- Keep me informed with all expedition of your condition and I will instantly act to the utmost extent of my power in your behalf. . My family remember you with affection 3 - H. MEIGS Co 1 • Stephen F Austin
DOMINGO DE UGARTECHEA TO GENERAL Cos [Bexar, March 28, 1835. See Calendar.]
Mexico March 28, 1835
DR BROTHER- ! cannot as yet inform you when I can leave here. I am still a prisoner on bail. I am told that I shall probably be at liberty soon, but as it depends on the am[n]esty law which has been returned to congress by the executive, I can make no certain calculations. You must not on any account or for any price sell the two leagues of land I have on the east side of Labaca and Navidad at the junction of those two streams-it is all the land I have there-as I shall dispose of it myself. be particular and comply with this direction. Also you must not sell the next league below San Felipe on the west of the Brazos nor the league on the west fork of the Bernard next above Alexr Jackson's on a side league as I wrote you long ago-be particular as to these instruc- tions. I prefer that you. sell none of my land untill I get home if you can get along without as I may make some arrangement myself that would ' be interfered with by any sales you may make. All is peace and tranquility -in this part of the country and I believe e,·ery where Love to Sister and all friends your brother S. F. AUSTIN [Rubric] Let McKinney and Williams have what lots they need •at the mouth of the Brazos river. s. F. AUSTIN [Addressed:] Estado de Coahuila y Tejas D Jayme F. Perry San Felepe de Austin W. BARRETT TRAVIS TO GAIL BORDEN, JR. [San Felipe, March 28, 1835. See Calendar.] 3 Meigs was the husb3nd of Austin's cousin, a daughter of ,Moses Austin's brother Stephen.
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