Andrew Ponton lo Gail Borden, Jr., February 13, 1835. Concerning land titles. (Omitted, but see text.)_··----·-····-··-··-·---· __ _ ______:_ 42 Austin lo Samuel M. Williams, February 14, 1835. Promoting a road to Chihua- lma through Texas. His Exposicion has corrected false impressions concerning Texas. Robertson Colony. Opposition to territorial government for Texas made him enemies ----·--·------········----·----·---·------------------·---·---·- 42 James F. Perry to Joseph B. Heard, February 15, 1835. Answering query con- cerning whereabouts of Mr. Maxwell. Merchandise. (Omitted.).._________ 44 John Rice Jones to James F. Perry, February 15, 1835. Wishes to sell his Missouri negroes in order lo raise capital for mercantile business. Jones and Townsend. (Omitted.) -·-----·--··--------···---··--····- -·-·---·--------·--- 44 W. Cave to Gail Borden, Jr., February 17, 1835. Report on surveying. (Omitted.) 4-1 Ayuntamiento of Mina to Samuel M. Williams, February 25, 1835, asking for public documents belonging to the jurisdiction of that Ayuntamiento. (Omitted.) 44 Ferguson and Hall to James F. Perry, Philadelphia, February 27, 1835. An- nouncing change of firm name. Sending papers for Austin. (Omitted.)·-··'------ 44 Austin to James F. Perry, Mexico, March 4, 1835. Improvements for Texas- mail routes and roads. Officials friendly. Social amusements---- -----·-··-··- 45 Austin to James F. Perry, Mexico, March 10, 1835. Still detained by delay in passing amnesty law. Plans for furthering commercial advancement of Texas. Tariff exemption and trade with Chihuahua. Policy for Texas past and future.__ 46 Austin to Williams, Mexico, March 14, 1835. Delay in passage of amnesty law. Robertson Colony. Made enemies by opposing territorial government for Texas in 1833-Butler, Mason, Mexia...•.·--·-··---···--·-·-···-·----··•.-····----------·- 49 John Gordon to John P. Borden, March 16, 1835. Wants position to manage newspaper-the Texas Planter. (Omitted.).......·-·----·--·-·- - · ____ 50 Reason Mercer to Gail Borden, Jr., March 17, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)·-----50 Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, March 21, 1835. Amnesty law still de- layed. Enemies on account of opposition to territorial government. Review of relations with Robertson and the Robertson Colony...·----·----- . • _ 50 G. B. Jameson to Gail Borden, Jr., March 22, 1835. Land. (Omitted.) ______.. 52 Ira R. Lewis lo Gail Borden, Jr., March 23, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)······-··--52 Ge·orge M. Patrick lo Gail Borden, Jr., March 23, 1835. Asking for field notes. (Omitted.) ····-···-··-·---··--------·-···---·-----·- __________ _ 52 Thomas H. Brenan to Austin, March 23, 1835. Asking help getting titles for settlers on the Trinity River. Settlers in East Texas have confidence in Austin. (Omitted.) ----------·•------·-·----·--···--·------- ____ ___ 52 • Military Commandant of Texas lo his Superior, Bexar, March 23, 1835. Informed that colonists will not recognize customs collector, nor pay duties, and that they are arming even children to prevent troops being stationed among them. In past month 250 families introduced into Department of Nacogdoches and 10,000 souls in Nacogdoches and in Austin's colonies combined. (Omitted.) ____"___ 52 Henry Meigs to Austin, New York, March 26, 1835. Forsyth says nothing in- jurious to you reported (by Anthony Butler)·········-·--····-·····---·- ---- :i2 Military Commandant to Superior, Bexar, March 28, 1835. Has subscribed for the newspaper issued at Brazoria. Does not trust the political chief at Bexar because he favors separation of Coahuila and Te."'tas. (Omitted.)·- -·-··-----53 Austin to James F. Perry, Mexico, March 28, 1835. Instructing him not to sell certain lands -----·····-·---··-----·-----------·-·-·· ------ 53 W. Barrett Travis to Gail Borden, Jr., March 28, 1835. Concerning land claims- Montgomery, Stockton, C. C. Dyer, Stafford. (Omitted.)_._·-·-·--·--- ---- 53 ix
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