The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

address which he drafted. Thinks unnecessary now to circulate i.____ -- 26 Henry·Austin to James F. Perry, November 24, 1834. Jackson has been assured that Austin will not be harmed____ ----- ------------- 29 P. W. Grayson: memorandum of conversation, November -, 1834. Concerning Austin's part in insurrection of 1832________ ---- -------------·----- 29 Austin to Thomas F. McKinney, Mexico, December 2, 1834. Advice concerning state politi~--------------------------- -·----------------------- 30 Gail Borden, Jr., to John P. Coles, Drcember 2, 1834. Surveying. (Omitted.) ___ 31 James F. Perry to Susan Maxwell, December 3, 1834. Reply to inquiry con- cerning her husband. (Omitted.)____ ----- -----·····-·- 31 E. R. Wightman in account with W. G. Whiteside, December 5, 1834. Bill and Price List ________ ·-------···-·-·-·---------·--·-------·---- 31 James F. Perry to Austin, December 7, 1834_ Lpca1 political movements in Texas. Austin's enemies ---------·--- _________ _____ 32 J. B. Miller to James F. Perry, December 10, 1834. Boarding schooL- - -····· 35 W. S. Parrott to James F. Perry, Mexico, December 24, 1834. Prospect of Austin's release on bail___ ·-- ---- -------·-----·------ 35 Ramon Musquiz to (Ayuntamiento of San Felipe de Austin?), Bexar, December 26, 1834. Nominees whom Bexar is supporting for state elections. Suggests election of Williams to represent Department of the Brazos in State Congress. (Omitted.) ---------------------------35 J. B. Guerra to Austin, December 30, 1834. Receipt f~r $240, payment for stamped paper used in preparing Austin's case for court___ -----··-----3~ Austin to Samuel M. Williams, December 31, 1834. Released on bond Decem- ber 25. Favorable changes in situation of Texas. Political condition~---- 36 Samuel M., Williams to James F. Perry, January 7, 1835. Political movements. Robertson Colony ________________ --------·------ 37 William B. Bridgers to Gail Borden, Jr., January 9, 1835. Application for land. (Omitted.) -------·------------- 38 Elisha Flack to Gail Borden, Jr., January 10, 1835. Surveying. (Omitted.) ___ 38 G. B. Jameson to Gail Borden, Jr., January 11, 1835. Land. (Omitted.) _____ 38 John M. Austin to Austin, Montpelier, Vt., January 14, 1835. Claiming kinship. (Omitted, but see digest in text.)____ ____ _________ 38 Samuel M. Williams to James F. Perry, January 14, 1835. Business notes. Going to Monclova and will not forget Austin's .enemies and his own____ 38 James F. Perry to Lastraps and Desmare, January 15, 1835. Loss of goods on fessel. Insurance. Cotton crop ------···------------------ 39 • Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, January 21, 1835. Expects ·· to leave ll\ two or three weeks. Wants to remain only a short time in Texas_ _________ 40 Military Commandmant to his Superior, Bexar, January 27, 1835. Concerning movement of soldiers to prevent smuggling on the Lavaca. (Omitted.) _____ 40 J. M. Gutierrez de Estrada to--, Mexico, January 25, 1835. Wants copy of land laws of the United States. Wishes to repeal restrictions against purchase of land by aliens. (Omitted.)___ ___ _ ___ 41 Samuel M. Williams to N. J. Dobie, January 27, 1835. Land. (Omitted.)____ 41 Baker and Borden to James F. Perry, January 29, 1835. Asking assistance in establishing a press at San Felipe. (Omitted. See text.)------------·----41 David Silcriggs to Gail Borden, Jr., January 29, 1835. Asking him to choose a town lot. (Omitted.>------------ ·---------- 41 Austin to James F. P~rry, Mexico, February 6, 1835. Publication of his pamphlet hu created good feeling. Trouble with Anthony But1er. Plans for the future_____ 41 viii

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