my neighbourhood which was,destroyed by the worm since last march we have generally and verry fine wether the fall and winter so far has been verry much pleasant and dry. Mr. Somervell returned from New York in the San Felepe in nov. but I am sorry to say that he has not got near all his goods to San Felepe yet. he might have got them up in the steam[boat] Cayuga which went up but his partner was not will- ing to risk it. The boat however got up without any accident he tarryed at least one month too long in New York for his benefit please inform me whether you have recovered the inshurance on the Empress also the lost •on the Helin Mar J F PERRY [Rubric]
.Mexico JanY 21, 1835
I am told (but know not if truly) that the three claims 2 I bought in Saltillo in 1833 [1832] have been sold again several times by the original grantee, since he sold them to me I apprise you of this that proper care may be taken to prevent being cheated by such bad faith and unprincipled conduct. I hope to leave here in two or three weeks and to meet you in Monclova I shall try to get there by the 1 of March Austin's business is not yet finished but he expects it will be in ten or twelve days so that he can leave- he stands well with the present.administration and men now in power and also with the leading members of congress-but this is no time to do any thing-the politics of the day absorbe every thing and are of too much interest to permit anyone to think of other matters. All is peace and it is believed will so remain for a while at least. If it can be done I wish to arrange my affairs so as to remain but a short time in Texas, say two months at most [Addressed:] (Estado de Coahuila y Texas) Al Sor D. Samuel M. Williams en la villa de Austin
[Bexar, January 27, 1835. Ordering detachment to Matagorda and Lavaca to prevent smuggling which goes on in great volume.] IThe letter is unsigned, but is in Austin's writing. 2Three eleven-league grants that Austin bought from Mexican grantees. He had given instructions for the location of one of the grants on the Colorado River, beginning at the foot of the mountains. See Austin to Williams, May 9, 1832.
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