The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

• 39


A long time has elapsed since I_had any connection with that business, in fact so long that my memory will not permit me to undertake at this place attempting any detail. When I get home I will hunt up old memo- randums etc etc and make out the best statement I can. It is true that Mr. Westall always declared that he had Co-partners and the names of Messrs Deckhaws is perfectly familiar, and I have no doubt that there is an amount due which the old gentleman was ever determined should be paid, in fact he always expressed much gratitude to the elder Deckhaw. I enclose the assumpsit of Mr Westall in favor of Col. Austin-And will advise Mr. McKinney respect Mr. Gregory's claim and the adjustment with Mr McNeil I h~ve made my arrangements to leave San Felipe about the 20 th • And you may rely upon it their be men I shall not forget Col Austin and myself are deeply indebted to for injuries, and pay them in their own Coin. Present me kindly to Mrs Perry and the children and that I hope in a month to see her Brother [Stephen F. Austin] at Monclova • SAML M WILLIAMS [Rubric] [Addressed:] Mr. James F P_erry Peach Point M A Bryan-


Peach Point Near Brazoria Texas JanY 15th 1835


Your Favour of 28th Nov enclosing bills of articles shipd. pr Schooner Helin Mar, was duely recieved and you have no doubt been informed of the fate of that vessel, the vessel and cargo was all most a total loss. the greater part of the Goods which came to shore was stolen the articles sent to me were aH lost I beleave except 11 BBi Flour and 1 do Mackeral. A Mr. Andrews will inform you more particularly; who will forward you the necess~ry vouchers to recover the insurance I hope they were inshured. having but lately commenced opening a farm I had put Little land in cotton last season and the worm distroyed the greater part of that Little as well as all the cotton in my emedeate neigbourhood. there was scarce one third of a crop made. It was my intention to have shiped you •what Little I made but on enquiry I found unless the dueties amounted to 200$ the money would have to be paid to the collector: I concluded it would be. more· trouble to you than proffit and I got one of my neighbours to ship it with his crop it went up in the S [chooner] Brazoria and sold for 16c. It was some disapointment the loss of the articles you sent me. but I hope you will recover the inshurance on them. The cotton crops in this county was verry fine with the Exception of some 5 or 6 plan[ta] tions in

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