The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



month he sent you a new map of Texas a second edition of the one you furnished he had heard you had got home and wishes you to write to him What was the situation of your a/c with Jno Austin Wm T. Austin as adm.r of his Brother has been selling notes which was in his brothers possession of yours • one I know of against Thomas Westall for 611$ this I presume was only logd. with John for collection if so it ought not to be paid to the assignee of his admr· [JAMES f. PERRY] J. B. MILL.ER TO PERRY Dec 10. 1834 MR. J F. PERRY D SIR I have taken the liberty to refer to you in relation to a school Miss Trask has just opened in Coles settlement She is from the state of New York, and well qualified in every respect. the Boarding establishment will be conducted by Mrs Hays a verry respectable old lady boarding can be got any where in the neighborhood, the situation is a pleasant and healthy one. Should any one call upon [you] for information you can with confidence say to them what I have said to you-with this young lady I am well acquainted • J B MILLER [Rubric] W. S. PARROTT TO JAMES t ·. PERRY Mexico Dec 24 th 1834 JAMES F. PERRY Peach Point Da SIR Your favour of the 29 th Oct last came to hand last mail its enclosure was sent to its address its owner still remaining in the Same Situation he was in when I wrote you on the 28 th August there appears however to be a greater probability of his being at liberty soon[er] than when I wrote you last He wants for nothing and is promised that when the Congress meets in a few days he will come out , W. S. PARROTT [Rubric] I have offered to be Col A's security and he is expected to be released lo morrow or next day. W. S. PARROTT RAMON MUSQUIZ TO AYUNTAMIENTO OF SAN FELIPE [December 26, 1834. See Calendar.] J. B. GUERRA TO AUSTIN Recibi de D. n Estevan Austin la cantidad de doscientos cuarenta pesos ($240,) por honorarios y costo del papel sellado en la causa que se le ha

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