The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



l pr Red do-----'---·------- ······-·•····· l Bll flour _____________ l Roundabout Brandy and Demijo.._________ 7 yds Calico,____________ ____20 cts___ 2.00 a:oo 5.00 6.50 1.40 5 Hats @ 13--------,-- ------------ ----------- 15.00 2.00 1 other pr ahoes________ _______ -·-······-·········----

$84.63 ··•·- 15.37

Due Bill for good..________________



Cr .. . .

By 1 Hone $75 and Cart $25_______________ _ ___ 100.00

Carry 5th Deer. 1834 15 yds Kentucky Retf....__ _ _3/_ __ _ ... 5 Hdkfs 4/__ ·-··-· l pr drawers______________·- ·· pd. Smiths boy____________

··-·- --····$5.63 --- -- 2.50 - -- 1.00 ··- · -··- 5.00

Knife $1_ _____



Peach Point 7th Deer· 1834

DEAR BROTHER We fondly hoped that long ere this we would have been enjoying your society at home but from your letter of the 25th Aug., one to Williams of the 7 th September also a letter recd from Mr. Grayson a few days after his arrival in the city leaves everything in uncertainty. but still we hope that ere this you have been released and you with our good friends Messrs Grason and Jack are on your return and will soon meet your numerous friends once more in Texas. Who will meet you with unfained pleasure, with regard to famaly matters, nothing new has occured since Mr. Grason left. Emily has had the fever a great part of the time for the last season. she has not had it for two w~eks, and I hope will now enjoy her health once more Now for political affairs. a short time before I recd your letter of the 25 th August Henry Smith our Political Chea£ (he who had his head graised at Velasco)-came out in our Brazoria paper with a very urgent address to the people of Texas recommending a convention and a state Govt. this address had hardly got dry from the press untill he recd from Judge Chambers, Oliver Jones, and Bascas [Vasquez] the other member of Congress for Texas a plan of calling a convention together with a request from the people of Bexar for delegates to be elected in Texas to meet in convention at Bexar on 15 th Nov. a few days before the election an address

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